The method of classic liposuction and its advantages available for everyone
Classic liposuction is a surgical operation to remove fat. It can be carried out in any problem area: on the face, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, back, legs and other areas. The procedure will help get rid of excess weight, highlight the contours of the body and emphasize the relief of muscles.
This procedure is one of the most common in plastic surgery. This becomes possible because of the following advantages:
Instant effect. You do not need to burn fat with diets and sports. For one liposuction session, you get guaranteed minus 5-6 kg in the problem area.
Safety. The operation is not traumatic and does not pose a danger to the patient.
Aesthetics. For access to fat, one cut in 3-5 mm is enough. The scar after surgery is invisible and almost completely disappears in a few weeks.
Easy rehabilitation. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 weeks. Complications and dissatisfaction with the effect of surgery are extremely rare.
Availability. The price for classic liposuction in Ukraine is comparable to the annual subscription to the gym and balanced healthy eating throughout this time, but the effect of losing weight from the first is instant, and from the second - a long and often questionable.
In case you want to get all these advantages of classic liposuction and start a new life with a new beautiful body, you undoubtedly should consider the possibility of conducting a classic liposuction in Kiev at MedCity clinic. Medical tourism has long become commonplace in our time, and in MedCity you can get a service of plastic surgery and laser medicine of the highest level at prices that will pleasantly surprise you.
Indications and contraindications for classical liposuction
There is no direct medical indication for liposuction. It can be performed by anyone who wants to get rid of fat deposits in certain areas. Patients with a disproportionate distribution of fat are especially frequent in the procedure.
Therefore, any person who is close to these problems, or who wants to bring his body to a good state, can seek help from MedCity - abroad clinic of laser surgery. Qualified specialists of the clinic will consult you and select the ideal plan for getting rid of excess fat cells.
It should be noted that liposuction is contraindicated in the following cases:
obesity of 3-4 degrees;
presence of inflammation, rash or neoplasm in the field of surgery;
exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute infectious process;
bleeding disorders;
period of pregnancy and lactation;
intolerance to pain medications.
Also, this procedure is not performed for persons under 18 years of age.
Choose MedCity and forget about the problems with the body
The result of liposuction is the immediate disposal of 6-8 liters of fat per procedure. To remove more fatty deposits in one session it is impossible, as it will cause redistribution of a liquid and infringement of metabolic processes in the body.
However, in order to obtain the desired result and not to harm your health, you should only apply to proven specialists. The reputation of MedCity clinic is confirmed by thousands of successfully performed operations and satisfied customers.
It should be noted that MedCity is an excellent choice for not only classic liposuction, but also for laser lipolysis abroad, as well as for other services of plastic surgery and laser medicine. You can see a full list of services provided by this clinic at affordable prices on the special page of its website MedCity with no doubt will become your guide to the world of beauty and new possibilities of your body.